preventing it

so you want to prevent a breakup?

individual therapy

we work with motivated individuals who are willing to confront and stay curious about the role they play in the relationship. some folks find it hard to imagine that your relationship can shift and improve without all partners in the therapy room (we once thought that, too!). but there's good news- the dynamic of your relationship can change, even if your partner never steps foot into our office. that’s because we’re constantly bringing the focus back to what you can control: you. your patterns, your triggers, your decisions.

you might be reading this if your relationship is a bit rocky and you're looking to move to stable ground.  do you ever hear yourself say, "if he would just change XYZ, then everything would be better"?  have you found yourself making demands or proposing ultimatums in attempts to change your partner? if the answer is "yes," chances are you feel like you're treading water, getting nowhere. therapy can help you find direction. 

we’re not promising that your relationship will be, should be, or can be salvaged. but we can help you find clarity around your relationship needs and the confidence to make healthier choices, even if those choices are the hard ones. 

does this sound like you?

  • my jealousy is ruining relationships

  • there’s been a betrayal and I need help moving forward

  • i want to understand why relationships always feel so hard for me

  • we keep having the same fight over and over again

  • i don’t see eye to eye with my partner on COVID protocols/ how to deal with our parents/coparenting etc…

  • i am so anxious in relationships and it makes me want to give up/push my partner away

  • i feel ambivalent about our relationship and need help deciding what to do

  • we are separating and will continue to live together/share community

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individual & couples therapy to help you:

  • create, set, and hold boundaries to help you heal

  • become clear about what you want from your relationship/s

  • feel more connected to and vulnerable with your partner/s

  • work on effective communication

  • give yourself permission to put yourself first (for a change!)

  • identify potentially harmful behaviors/patterns in relationships

  • deepen your physical and emotional intimacy with your partner/s